Puppet Ministry Day 8

Apc Preschool

Above: Even though Apc is a town that neighbors our hometown of Petofibanya, this is the first time we’ve been able to serve in their preschool. We had a very warm reception from the teachers and the children enjoyed the show. In other preschools that we have been visiting the past few years, the children are very quick to answer Miki when asking about the meaning of Easter. This preschool struggled to answer, giving more secular responses about bunnies and other cultural practices. As we plan to continually visit this preschool in Apc, we look forward to these children also coming to clearly know about Jesus, His death for our sins and His resurrection from the dead.




Above: The children’s expressions and reactions during the show are great to watch!

Above: Jennifer is the daughter of Vivi who is a mother recently saved in the Apc small group held each week. Vivi also just gave birth to her second child, Robi. Her pregnancy has been full of challenges and each time we turned to God in prayer, He answered. After her second child was born on April 1st, he was diagnosed with a blood infection. After praying her son swiftly recovered and mother and child are now both home.




Above: Our second stop today was in the town of Hatvan in a school helping those with various types of disabled children and young adults.







After a few hours off in the afternoon, we headed back out to the town of Bogács. Our desire was to have the show outside in the families yard which would attract more neighbors but because of rain, we had to move inside. This is the Romani family that we visit weekly for a Bible study and they graciously made room for our puppet stage in their bedroom.








The family was very thankful for our visit and after the show, the father of the family gave testimony as to how Jesus has been changing his life and has brought peace to his marriage. He said he was sure that if he had not met Jesus, his wife would have left by now and he would most likely be dead. He told us that his door is always open to us and he wants to continue growing in his faith. Praise God for His work in Bogács.

Thank you for your prayers for teammate Eszti and her children. Eszti’s is recovering along with her children. Please continue to pray for complete healing.

The secondary team members did a great job for their first day of puppeteering as they rotated in and took over the roles of other members. There are various transitions and props that take some practice to handle properly in the show and everything went well.

My car’s turbo did not function the entire day, however on the way back from our third show I believe it has begun to function again! Please continue to pray for it to be fully restored.

Praise God for sustaining the team with His strength and providing so that all the equipment has been working flawlessly. Praise Him that the Gospel is being sown abundantly among teachers and children.
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