Home Again!


With great joy, we returned home tonight with our three children. Our teammates, Heidi and Brenda left flowers and gifts for Sharon and Kira (a welcome surprise) in our apartment. Ben was excited to tell me after checking the mailbox, "Hey Dad, two yellow packages arrived at the same time!" Ben always amazes me with his vocabulary.

Below L: Last night's light treatment for Kira that helped reduce her Bilirubin levels. Below R: Kira wasn't too happy with her bath this morning.

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Above L: Kira tucked into her car seat and ready to start her life in PetÅ‘fibánya. Above R: 'Grandpa' Jack and 'grandma' Karen did a wonderful job caring for Ben and Elianna while we were in the hospital. We are thankful for their loving commitment to our children! We stopped by their place to enjoy homemade macaroni and cheese.


We are scheduled to see a pediatric cardiologist this Thursday for a special ultrasound examination of Kira's heart. This test will make clear the lack thereof, or the presence of a heart problem. Please continue to pray for Kira's healing and a good report from the doctor on Thursday.
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